Orange Pu-erh (cooked) Year 2010
This is a matured fermented tea from Yunnan Province, in South-West China. Compressed and stuffed into a special type of small Chinese oranges, this Pu-erh has a slightly earthy taste combined with the flavour of its orange container and, like most Pu-erh teas, its quality and taste improves with age. Pu-erh teas are reputed for their medicinal properties; research has confirmed that they help lower cholesterol and aid digestion. Other credited health benefits include prevention of heart disease and cancer, diabetic control, cleansing of toxins, anti-ageing properties, aiding in weight loss and improving blood circulation.
Brewing recommendations
Use 15-20% tea amount to teapot ratio. You can make 6-7 infusions at a water temperature of 100°C with the following recommended brewing times: 1st brew:1.5 min.; 2nd brew:1 min. and 3rd brew: 1.5 min.